At the heart of every CEO is the same essence…

A fire that burns to make a difference, to trail blaze a new way forward, to bring forth a new vision that changes the landscape of the earth upon which we walk.

Hey You, high performing leader.

Yes, you. The Woman who walks tall through life with a strength to conquer all, and a fierce determination to make a difference and take up space in this world.

I see you – blazing trails and rising higher with the absolute effortlessness and charisma of a natural born leader.

Your whole life you’ve been on top.
Paving the way, whether you meant to or not…

You’ve been looked up to and revered as a sheer force of possibility and admired for your accomplishments your whole life. The star of the show, the one who sets the standard.

And this role has gotten you far: carried you to abundant lands and blessed you with status, admiration and appeal.

You’ve got the “it” factor that so many women seek.

And yet, there is a sacred yearning for soft, spiritual, sensual divinity.
There’s a call to soften into trust and turn your gaze within.

It doesn’t take long for me to recall my own journey of (literally), climbing to the top. As a fierce mountain climber, athlete and business woman, I am an expert when it comes to “grinding it out”...

I spent years summiting mountains and building businesses from the ground up, constantly in pursuit of my next feat.

I was in extreme masculine energy 100% of the time, so much so that I didn’t let my feminine have a voice.

My desires went unspoken.
I disconnected from my true sense of power.
I spent years over giving, over exerting, and over efforting.
I lost touch with my heart centre and silenced my intuitive voice.
I disassociated from my truth in order to “keep going”.
I masked the truth of my emotions by constantly seeking “more” outside of myself.
I chased adrenaline.

I lost my way, and I was called to surrender to the higher frequencies of love in order to return to the truth of who I was.

What I learned over the next decade would change the course of my life – and the purpose of my work – forever.

I continued to create, climb, and conquer, of course. Once a leader, never a follower. But I entered my renewed contract with life embracing a softness, an open connection to Spirit, and an anchor in my Inner Knowing that helped me ground, feel, and flow my way to the top rather than push, force and disengage.

I know you want this for yourself, too.

If you were looking at a map right now, you would see the small red pin that says “YOU ARE HERE”.
You are here, on the verge of meeting a version of yourself that is soft and divinely connected to the higher realms, and (despite what you may be thinking), you are ready.

You are ready to meet a version of You that is concerned less with maintaining a certain societal posture and more focused on deepening the roots within your Self.

You are ready to walk the path of ritual, connect purposefully to Source, and to explore the calling of your Soul.

You are ready to know Spirit intimately, to get curious about your higher purpose in life, and to replace “winning” in the external world with “deep knowing” in your internal world.

You are ready to alchemize a new reality for yourself.

A reality that is:

  • Deeply satiated with the light of your truth

  • Anchored in a new timeline of ascension and holiness

  • Full of ritual and connection to a Source that is higher than you

  • Led by divinity and steeped in feminine energy

  • Softer and stronger in ways you’ve not yet known

You desire to return to the purest state of your divine womanhood, to open your heart to experience the greatest love of your life, and to see a clear path forward that isn’t defined by society…But written in the stars.

The CEO within you will become a source of unmatched power that most of the world hasn't experienced before.

You will become the type of woman who doesn't have to speak to be heard.
The type of woman who Source channels effortlessly through and flows within.
The type of woman who leads with unprecedented ease and grace.
The type of woman who is a felt frequency, an enigma, a beacon of light for others to follow.

In this mastermind you will learn:

  • How to integrate strategy in your business from a soul led place

  • How to powerfully lead with your feminine energy and balance your masculine

  • How to amplify the results in your business through divine connection

  • How to awaken your sensual and sexual energy to stir your creative fire

  • How to tune into your channels for direct communication with Spirit 

  • How to raise your energetic frequency to effortlessly attract and magnetize soul clients

  • How to open the Akashic records to move through lifetimes and timelines

  • How to clear karmic baggage to make space for more of your light to be felt

  • How to speak in prayer and awaken your divine Self

  • How to practice sacred ritual that opens your heart to experience higher love

You will leave this mastermind with more than skills, or knowledge…you will leave this mastermind with a raw awakening in your Being that expands a world of new possibilities for you in work, life, love, wealth and leadership.Let me guess…You’re not sure you have the time or space to properly participate in a mastermind…

  • In this mastermind you will receive more than you will be required to give. You will learn that time is a facade, the way this mastermind works is beyond all linear timelines. You will receive, learn and integrate MORE in a 3 minute voice note from me than you will have learned in weekend-long conferences you’ve attended. This channeled wisdom just hits different.

You’re concerned that Source isn’t “for you” because you’ve been a badass CEO for so long that Spirit feels, at times, too far away…

  • Your heart has never been closed to the magic of the universe, you’ve just shifted your focus to building success in the material world. Now it’s time to tend to God’s landscape within you.

You’re not sure investing in yourself is a smarter move than investing in your business…

  • The more equipped and attuned you are to the highest frequency of love (Source), the more successful your business will become. Without a doubt investing in your Spirit will alchemize your next level of tangible success.

Are you ready to step into an experience that will not only “Get you what you want”, but turn you into the expanded, spiritual woman you desire to be?

This is a transformational mastermind for high achieving women seeking to form a spiritual connection with Source that activates their highest potential.

Yes, you will earn more.
Yes, you will lead with greater inner power.
Yes, you will expand your visibility and voice.
Yes, you will walk the earth with a profound connection to the heavens.

You have done it all – there’s no question that you are capable.
Now, it’s time to enter your soft woman era and settle into a different type of success…
It’s time to embody all that is true in the name of love...
Magnetism. Sensuality. Spirit. Wealth. Ritual.

Alchemy is the mastermind for CEO’s who are ready to know the Creator.

To stop holding their vision alone and to hand it over to Source to explore the next level of creation and manifestation.

You hold a higher frequency… 

Included in the Alchemy Mastermind:

Join us in this elevation portal that calls you higher in transformation, growth, potent teachings.
Summer Solstice - Fall Equinox 2024

  • 3 Group Calls Per Month

  • 1 Activation/Ceremony Per Month

  • 1 x 1:1 Call

  • Weekly Telegram Day

  • The Channel Membership

  • The Source Membership

  • All Access Pass to Any Programs/Mastercode Experiences

  • Rockies Retreat Option (*travel/accom not included)

  • Close knit community of high performing, spiritual CEOs

Sacred Access:
12 Months PIF $77,777 (begins upon checkout)
3 Months PIF $22,000 (begins on each of the Solar Portals)
Monthly Payments of $7777 (for both 3 and 12 month options)

Prices are in usd
All purchases are non-refundable

Apply for this exclusive mastermind and let’s go higher.