At the heart of every CEO is the same essence…

A fire that burns to make a difference, to trail blaze a new way forward, to bring forth a new vision that changes the landscape of the earth upon which we walk.

You have the house, the car, the vacations, the success…
You have the job, the title, the bank account, the handbag…

You need for nothing more materially, but you desire everything spiritually, divinely, energetically.

You are conscious that the path forward is not “more”...
That the next chapter of your story is “deeper”, “higher”, “ascending”...

You know this because you have:A curiosity that dwells in the centre of your heart.
A dream within you that is driven solely by the hand of Spirit.
A vision that is weaved by the thread of love itself.

You hold a higher frequency… 

Alchemy is the mastermind for CEO’s who are ready to know the Creator.

To stop holding their vision alone and to hand it over to Source to explore the next level of creation and manifestation.

Included in the Alchemy Mastermind:

Join us in this elevation portal that calls you higher in transformation, growth, potent teachings.
Spring Equinox - Summer Solstice 2024

+ 3 Group Calls Per Month
+ 1 Activation/Ceremony Per Month
+ 1 x 1:1 Call
+ Weekly Telegram Day
+ The Channel Membership
+ The Source Membership
+ Any Programs/Mastercode Experiences
+ Rockies Retreat Option (*travel/accom not included)

Apply for this exclusive mastermind and let’s go higher.